Client Reviews




Devora is Truly Gifted and Capable, Treating with Holiness and Love

"When I came to Devora for my session, I was feeling heavy, overwhelmed, low functioning and burdened. She was able to understand exactly what I needed and get straight to the essence of the problem, and remove the negative energy without cutting off the positive energy that was mixed there. As she cleared my energy, I
experienced first a kind of a chill. When she did it a second time, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. I'm walking away from our work together feeling like I will be able to set proper boundaries between my own suffering and that of others. I highly recommend Devora because she is truly gifted and capable and treats with holiness and love."  Chava Rachel Saban, Musician and Mother


Deep Healing

"I’ve worked with so many healers over the years and I can say that Devora’s “got it.” She really has such a gift. Her presence allowed me to go in deep into those scary places while feeling so safe, held and loved. Devora allows for that depth of healing and contact so you can open up to accessed that deep healing.” Malka Sima Pais


It Was Worth Every Dollar

"You all MUST know how amazing my mini session was. For me the SHIFTS were huge and immediately noticeable in numerous ways. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Devora Gila. You changed my life for the better for sure and likely my family too. It was worth every dollar. May you continue to be Divinely Blessed to help the people HEAL." Yechida Shifman


Very Powerful Shift

"There was something very powerful that shifted in me during our session. I'm finding a degree of opening and increased flow in moving through life. I've been on a healing journey for a long time and this experience was something new in the degree of shift in such a short time. I've worked with my energies by way of touch for a while, and I'm so intrigued by your approach, and moved by your clarity in reading me." Kayla


I Can't Thank You Enough

"Thank you so much for helping me out of that dark moment of horrors and back into the light. I was feeling very stuck there... After the healing with you, everything started to shift and lift, and I feel that I'm standing in the light again. I can't thank you enough Devora, you're amazing!" P.M., Quantum Energy Healer


Dramatic Changes

"Wow! Thanks so much! I definitely believe 100% that your healing is working, there is no question. I have changed dramatically since our start." Master Energy Healer

Seven New Clients in one Week!

"Amazing! After feeling depressed about my business and the blockages in my abilities, I got 5 new clients on Thursday and another two today! People are reporting crazy miracles from the healings I am channeling and that my psychic abilities are hitting everything on the nail! I made a lot of money this week...Thank you!" Master Energy Healer


Devora is an Exceptional Healing Facilitator

"I came to Devora feeling physical imbalance and lack of being whole and healthy. I found it difficult to leave my house or travel.

In our session, Devora gracefully and easily brought forward Divine Light and was able to stay very present with each nuance of Sacred Energy. Her perception was crystal clear.I clearly saw Divine healing reaching deeply into my body, opening and clearing, while flooded with Divine Light. The healing energy was palpable; very real and intimately involved in my being alive.

Rarely would you find anyone as connected, vigilant and in touch with the true essence and glory of G-d. Devora is an emissary of the healing power of the Almighty. Truly, she is exceptional."  Ellena Lieberman, author of "The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation As Received Through the Akashic Records," Spiritual Educator specializing in The Akashic Records, consultant and teacher

Highly Accurate Intuition

Devora is a highly intuitive soul with a deep connection to the Divine.  Working with Devora gives me the sense that I am being totally cared for, heard and looked after by an immensely warm and caring individual.  She goes way beyond and gives me treasured information that has helped me find solutions to my problems.  My meeting her has become one of the greatest gifts that I have received in recent months and I believe that I am gradually moving into a better version of myself. Through her highly accurate intuition and connection with the Divine, Devora can help people to find the source of their problems and offer energetic  solutions to alleviate them. I heartily recommend her to anyone who is looking for insights into one’s healing path in life.  William Livingstone, Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer, Naturopath, Cranio-Sacral Therapist

Healing Anxiety

"I have been struggling with PTSD and an anxiety disorder for many decades, which has recently been manifesting itself as alarming physical symptoms. Health issues have arisen, which have appeared on the surface to be life-threatening. Devora was extremely professional and packed our session with a lot of techniques that cut right to the healing core. As a result of the session, I now have simple yet highly effective tools to bring about more resilience. I absolutely recommend Devora, especially if you want to bring healing from within the deepest core of your being." - Anonymous

Free from Childhood Wounds 

"Prior to working with Devora Gila I felt totally locked up and stuck in my childhood. Devora Gila helped unlock worlds for me and release me from the many things which were binding me from feeling free and independent. I found her meditations to be so down to earth yet transformational. I highly recommend Devora Gila as a healer."  K.F., Healer

Life-Long Vision Coming True

I came to Devora with a life-long dream of creating the Chai Center (Center for Holistic Awareness and Integration). I have done so much healing and I knew that I needed something drastic to move higher. Before, nothing seemed to move the project along. Then during my program with Devora, the pieces started to move together so quickly I could hardly keep up...and now my vision is finally coming true! I now have a Board of Directors and we are in the process of fundraising 5 million dollars! Meira Findel, Money Consciousness Coach and Holistic Accountant


"I was afraid this pulled tendon was chronic as it has been disabled for a week without budging much since I carried far too many groceries for far too long. I worked with what was coming up for me around this, yet with little change in my ability to pull and lift objects. It felt as if every pull was reinjuring my hand.

As soon as you joined in support of my healing, I felt a shift and I was, for the first time in a week, trully optimistic, about having a 40% improvement.

[Update, dear Devora Gila, my hand is 70% better since you intervened last night and continues to heal, with G-d's help! Last night, I could not pull the dryer door open without my tendon feeling very stretched and tender. This morning I woke up far more comfortable and, just for fun, I pulled on the dryer door and voila, only the smallest hint of remaining sensitivity! What a huge shift in the wellbeing of my dominant hand! I'm so grateful for your healing help, Devora Gila!]"  Haya Baker, Divine Integration Healer and Logotherapist

Weight Loss

 "I feel like I am not eating as much and am able to stop eating when I am full." Life Coach, Healer and Hypnotherapist


Loved Your Healing

I absolutely loved your healing and felt it was one of the biggest highlights of the program. You are so super gifted and I look forward to working with you in the future. - V.C., Life Coach and Author


Devora Elevates 

Devora elevates me to be who I am so I can share my divine gifts while staying grounded. 
- H.J., Quantum Healer


Calm Centeredness

"Thank you so much Devora Gila! I so appreciate your calm centeredness in this intense storm we’re in." P.R. Resiliency Coach for Women


Devora Helps me be Present with my Divine Source

"I really appreciate how Devora's how super professional, non-judgmental coaching, wise words and guidance keep reminding me to be in the present with my Divine source."

I Changed My Attitude 

"Before starting Devora Gila’s healing course for women, I was feeling judgmental and had lots of negative thoughts that were keeping me down, and I wanted to start looking at the positive. After one session, I quickly changed my attitude. As things happened in my life, instead of seeing it as a burden or something horrible, I started seeing it as an opportunity to grow from.

Devora Gila is especially great at guiding us how to trust Hashem and have faith. She reminds us what’s really important and why we’re here.

The visualization exercises take you from “I wish I could do something” to making it feel more real and more tangible, which makes it more likely that it will happen. I would recommend Devora Gila to anyone who is open and ready to make changes to be a better person."  Natasha Farber, Israel


Thrilled with Results

Dear Devora Gila, I'm so thrilled about the results of my last session with you. I wanted to wait a few days to get back to you as I know the effects of your work with me tend to not only to come almost instantly, but they also grow over time. Your work is the gift that keeps giving! As you began to scan me, I immediately felt a huge clearing of heaviness starting with my kidneys and progressing up through my head. I felt another release of tension in my jaw. I have had TMJ since childhood, which has almost completely resolved.  Furthermore, I feel empowered more than ever to do my work with ease and help others in my unique way. I've also since found myself in a situation which required me to take a loving yet firm stance. I needed to work through much emotional stress on my own to get to the place I need to be around this and other similar calls for assertive loving. I have no doubt, however, that the Divine clearing you facilitated for me just prior to this challenge prepared me to do the inner work needed. Thank you, Devora Gila, for being who you are!  Grateful Anonymous Consciousness Trailblazer 

More Calm and Ease

"I listened to a previous session of ours and I saw how I was much more calm and grew a lot. my clairs are opening up- i can read into things with ease I'm over all more relaxed." Mother and Healer


Devora Gila Berkowitz is The Real Thing
"On helping women, Devora Gila Berkowitz is THE real thing: I now know just how deep she has gone into the process of learning how to embody balance and self care while mothering. What she offers comes from her deep journey, and is coupled with her beautiful artistic ability to see the uniqueness of each one of her clients." Ruth Toledo Altschuler, Essence Mentoring Founder, Flower Essence Practitioner and Educator

I Highly Recommend Her
"Devora is a fabulous guide for women needing support with balancing it all and being happy. She is skilled, wise, and heartfelt and she has been through her own challenges. I absolutely highly recommend her to any mom out there ready to grow in their self-care and self-love." Dr. Kate Dow, Self Mastery Coach for Empowerment and Success. Author of Fear-Less: The Art of using Anxiety to Your Advantage

Grateful to Have Clarity 
I came to my session with Devora with a goal to connect with a broader audience. I know that remaining stagnant always keeps us playing it small but I didn’t know where to start. Devora was listening and present in an energetic way that supported me to realize that I need to root down and take a leap of faith. I’m walking away with a tangible plan for moving forward, reminded that all things are always possible when we remain open to grace. I am so grateful to have that clarity. Thank you, Devora! Sapha Arias, Holistic Wellness Coach  

A Transformative Session

What a blessing! Devora opened up a safe space for me to talk about what was holding me back from finding success in both my life and business. Through our session, I was able to see the blocks in a new way, access my inner wisdom, and discover a path to move forward. Devora’s questions and guidance made the session transformative.  
Rochelle Melander, Author and Write Now! Coach

Found Absolute Bliss in Divine Connection Session

"That was the closest experience to absolute bliss that I have ever had. That was really amazing. It was like a total integration of past, present, future in this moment. Why not make that state of being in every moment? What could be better than that? …For that I am truly grateful.” M.C., Energy Healer 

Divine Connection

“What a privilege to know someone with such a direct Divine line.” Devora Yaffa Singer, Emunah Workshop Facilitator

Present with my Kids
I really appreciate the amazing session -- Thank you!  I've successfully been fully present with my kids...!  I had a total Aha moment and have received a sense of peace from my revelation... It has lit a spark in me that I needed.  You have a beautiful gift ....the world needs you!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! 
Jen Ilonze, Outsourcing Strategist

Thank You For That Meditation!

"I value all that you are doing as my coach and you are giving me what I need. I appreciated your insight and instincts to go into the meditation with me today, as that was a very valuable experience to release negative energy and to infuse myself with new life-affirming energy and to have a process I can use on my own, when these situations arise in the future. THANK YOU FOR THAT MEDITATION!" Joy Torchia, Torchlight Consulting Services

She Leads You to Find Your Truth

"I've been trying to build my business in ways I thought I was supposed to, like do more offerings online, even though it didn't feel right for me. I haven't been feeling in alignment with what I'm really here to do and it created feelings of frustration and discontent. 

But what Devora did was help me get to what has been an even greater vision I've been holding , which is truly what I feel my purpose is regarding my work and service, it just felt too big for me to do.

With Devora's skillful guidance I was able to see that I hadn't said “yes” to this vision that was given to me to manifest, and until I said yes I couldn't and wouldn't be given the ways and means to manifest. I saw that even though this vision overwhelmed me and I didn't trust that I could handle the responsibility, there were many reasons why I was worthy of this undertaking and how in many ways it was perfect for me.

I said Yes in the presence of her and the group! And I feel the slow building of my confidence and desire to move forward with this vision.

She helped me get right to the essence of my frustration, and led me into my own inner knowing with the help of my own guidance and resources. She doesn't do the work for you, she leads you into your own body, heart, and soul to find the truth." Kathryn Lavanture Wylde, Sound Healer

Holistic Coaching

​"It’s always so powerful to meet with you. This work is so holistic. It works on so many levels."  Hadassa Bentolila

Experience Your Divineness with A Trusted Way-Shower

"I came to Devora because of an old pattern triggered around fear of success. I’d been having some occasional anxiety as my business continues to gain a beautiful momentum and I was concerned that an ego part of myself may try to sabotage my unfolding. During the session, I realized that my feelings of nervous excitement are no longer necessary as we shined the light on and thereby cut the cord around this old behavior with love.

Devora created an immediate feeling of safety and sacredness and listened deeply, It was helpful to hear her recap what I was expressing often and accurately. She left plenty of space for my realizations to come forth on their own. She was loving, gracious, compassionate, clear and humble all the way through the experience. Devora's intuitive gifts and well-honed skills make the return to my essence a most memorable journey

Now I know that I can continue to manifest my soul's desire to serve God with ease, grace, trust and clarity knowing that this old pattern no longer serves me. It has played its part, been identified, acknowledged and thanked by me and has transformed into food for my higher consciousnesses.

If the greater part of you is feeling ready at last to move past old fears, look deeply into a mirror and experience your own Divineness, look no further. Devora is a trusted way-shower."  Pamela Jay, Voice Empowerment Expert

Life-Changing: From Struggle and Exhaustion to Clarity and Ease 

I was struggling with making my work harder than it needs to be. I was experiencing some exhaustion from a strenuous creative cycle, and I needed to find a way to make it easier.

Through our session, I realized that the attitudes that made my experience harder than it needed to be, weren't even mine!

I loved the way Devora was able to guide me through this deep exploration and help me to release old attitudes and history. I love that I have the recording to go through again and again when I need a reminder and a tune up – even though I believe that I will be less likely to take the hard road into my work in the future.

It's hard to find people who can go as deeply and as intuitively as Devora did with me. She used her skill to help me open up to see clearly and release the source of my struggles. It was amazing, and life-changing. Thank you Devora, for your powerful work!  Sandy Freschi, Human Design Specialist

Empowering Work 

"Your presence for my inner process was so powerful.
Your coaching questions were so helpful. 
I feel empowered to be fully me."  Anonymous 

Taking Bigger Risks for My Business
"Before my session with Devora, I was looking to expand myself and my light. Uncertainty and fear of making a mistake was holding me back. In our meditative session, Devora’s gentle calming voice made it safe for me to share whatever my experience was. She helped me get clear the role struggle played in my business. With this new clarity, I realize that it’s possible for me to have more fun and take bigger risks in my business. I no longer see taking risks as careless but as outrageous!" Melinda Cohan, Co-Founder and CEO of The Coaches Console

Motivated to Create a 7-Figure Business
"Before my session with Devora, I wanted to step into more visibility and uplevel my business so I can impact millions. After making a lot of money and a lot of mistakes, I felt uninspired. It was hilarious how bored and uninterested I was with my business. Devora helped me to experience a quick breakthrough , where now I see my business as an adventure and instead of fear I feel a sense of lightness and fearlessness. I feel inspired and motivated to have fun creating a 7-figure business without struggle. Where I’m free to make mistake and course-correct along the way. I am grateful to Devora for her healing gifts!"  Carolin Hauser-Carson, Award Winning Author, PLEASURE Whisperer and SOUL Liberator.

Perfect Example of Just Being

“Devora gives the perfect example of how “just being” allows so much to happen.  Nan Einerson, CTACC 

My Life is a Triumph Now

"I feel like my life is a triumph after working with Devora Gila. She is so real and not afraid to be vulnerable in her own challenges and growth edges in her own life. She has a unique ability to be present for others in a loving and accepting way and bring out their best because she does it for herself." Haya Baker, M.A., Jewish Logotherapeutic Healing and Conscious Transformation

Making Time For Myself

"Before I began my coaching program with Devora Gila, I was feeling stressed, frustrated, anxious, and very tired. I was very unsure how to get more work/life balance and I was drained at the end of the work day without any energy to take care of myself and family.

I could not rely on anyone else to take care of my daughter and felt anxious about leaving her with a babysitter or at daycare. Then after work I didn’t have any patience to take care of her.

My husband and I were barely communicating and I was feeling very distant from him. There was a lot of tension, stress, anger and frustration in our relationship.

So I contacted Devora Gila for help because I was feeling too burnt out to take care of myself. I knew I would have a total meltdown and crash from exhaustion because of the pressure and stress that had built up.

In our sessions I enjoyed making time for myself and giving myself an opportunity to heal, rest and reflect.

After working with Devora Gila, I am kinder to myself, and as a result I am kinder to my husband, my daughter and the rest of the people in my life. I am able to recognize when I am overworking and stressing, then take pause and stop in order to try and remedy the situation.

Now my daughter goes happily to day care and stays with a babysitter weekly when my husband and I go out to spend time with each other.

I feel more relaxed at work and can deal with life in a more balanced way. It's good to be in a relaxed, peaceful, space. I feel that I have more time for myself and more energy. 

I am so happy with the results from the coaching that I have signed up for another 6 months!"  Tovah Davis, Project Manager, Marketing Department

I Stopped Giving it Away for Free!

"I had a breakthrough in my session today with Devora Gila.  I was feeling resentful for giving away my time and energy to prospects who weren't interested in investing in my services. Devora's coaching and healing exercise helped me get clear on this issue and start to release it. I ended the session with the commitment to create better boundaries for myself, attract quality clients, take ownership in my business, and to finally start charging for the valuable initial consultation that I give. Thank you, Devora Gila!"  Anonymous, Healer 

I Earned in One Month What I Earned in the Entire Previous Year!

"Before working with Devora Gila, I was insecure and anxious about my abilities as an artist. I was afraid that I was never good enough. I’d also think to myself, “Who do you think you are to put this out into the world?”

Paperwork and bureaucracy gave me panic attacks, so I would let the mail pile up. Because of this, I had to pay tons of money in late fines, and even had my account shut down. The emotional pain around these fears was unbearable. Worst of all, I lost self-respect for not being able to “get it together.”

I hit rock bottom when I suffered a serious health crisis due to all of the stress. For six weeks I thought I was at the end. My face had swelled up so that I couldn’t see and I had terrible headaches. Being so sick made me realized what was important in my life. I made a promised that if I got better, I would take my goals seriously and put my creativity out there. I soon heard about Devora Gila’s work through a friend who had experienced life-changing results with her. 

Within a few weeks of working together, my physical symptoms disappeared. 

Devora Gila is so positive and believes that people can do amazing things. Having a connection to that positive energy enabled me to move beyond my self-imposed boundaries and believe that bigger things are possible.

The most super-helpful aspect of working with Devora Gila was the whole mindset switch. It was like being able to flip a switch and see things in a different light. It changed the perspective I have about myself and my life.

I liked the sense of accountability that coaching gave me. I had to call back and say, “Yes, I’ve done it.” This built my courage to take the next steps for my business, which included continuing with a business coach, which I never would have dreamed of doing before. This was huge for me. And within six months of my first session with Devora Gila, I earned in one month what I earned in the entire previous year!

Another recent success is that I applied to sell my artwork over Amazon and was accepted. A year ago I never would have applied. But because of the work I did with Devora Gila and the tools she gave me, I was able to follow through.

On the professional side of things, Devora Gila helped me expand my comfort zone to learn new things. Not only am I learning to manage the details of running a business, but I’m also branching out into metals and jewelry-making – areas I’d previously been afraid to explore.

Now people from the art world are impressed by my studio, and I’m getting better feedback from buyers. And now that I’m not afraid to open the mail, I find coupons and thank-you notes for being a valued customer – I really feel God smiling down on me. Thank you, Devora Gila!"  Yael Enkin, Artist

You Can Quickly Transform Blocks into Possibility

"Devora's listening is so unique, her empathy so strong and her presence so supportive while you go through your process. You'll feel somebody there who knows you can do this, who knows your true worth, and has a clear idea of how quickly you can transform blocks into possibility."
Haya Baker, Wellness Coach

I am Eternally Grateful

"I’m a mom, and I’m an entrepreneur. Through my work with Devora, I was able to recognize that my “stated” goal (which was not materializing) was not, in fact, my true goal. This was a powerful revelation for me. What I appreciate most about Devora is her gentle reminder to align yourself with your Source, and her ability to take gold nuggets of beauty and help you put them into song. I love to be loved, and walked away with much love for myself. Devora’s coaching transcends the typical, bringing sound and chanting and celebration of all that I am into light. And for that, I am eternally grateful.  If you are a mother who puts herself last, do yourself a favor and talk to Devora Gila Berkowitz." Carol Williams, Productivity Coach 

Understanding, Supportive, Attentive 

"Devora Gila has a remarkable way of understanding the needs of her clients. She is supportive, attentive and deeply discerning. I recommend her for anyone who is serious about gaining clarity regarding their life goals and attaining them."  
Shloime Zaks, Entrepreneur (Audio Books)  and Life & Business Coach


Taking my Business to the Next Level

“Devora is a nurturing loving soul, and has a gift and passion for connecting with the Divine.
One of the most profound moments in our session was when she joined me in connecting with the Divine for clarity.
Within seconds the insights unfolded.

She was a contributing element in taking my coaching business to the next level of expansion and abundance.
She gives you lots of resources and exercises for wisdom and healing.
You will walk away with tools and knowledge for leading a more Divinely connected, peaceful, richer and blessed life."
Sharon Svenson, Svenson Hypnosis-Coaching to revitalize, heal, and energize your body, mind and soul.

More Flow and Enjoyment in My Business

"Before Devora's coaching, I was working very hard, but that's just it, everything was so hard. Devora's compassionate and focused questions made me realize how much pain I was forcing myself through. She helped me come to grips with my need to change. I realized it wasn't about quitting, it was about making adjustments to realign, to feel more flow and enjoyment. Now I have naturally found my path - and it feels so right, and so much easier. Thank you!"  Karen Carlson, Videographer and Coach

More Peaceful and Grounded

“After the class, I'm feeling more peaceful and grounded, slowed down and took care of myself – ended up accomplishing so much more. I feel a softness of heart and body that pleases me to experience again – it’s been a while. Since the Q&A a lot has shifted and I’ve reconnected with…what is truly important to me – and for this I send a deep bow. Thank you so much.” Svea Van der Horn, Educational Psychologist, IFC PCC Coach at Solution-Focused Futures, Cape Town, South Africa

I Can be More Genuine and Get New Clients

“Before my session with Devora, I felt very tired and frustrated with myself and my business. It was all work with so little coming back to me. I want to make an impact, but one of my biggest hurdles was initiating conversations to directly ask people how I can help them, and inviting people to work with me in my healing and coaching practice.  I had racked up a lot of student debt and credit card debt, and was just continuing to beat myself up for not taking more active steps toward generating my own business.

One of my biggest takeaways from my session with Devora was being more "me", being more genuine in my interactions with others. Without having Devora to see the bigger picture for me and offer alternative ways to view the situation, I probably would have continued to be angry with myself and try to force things.

As a result of that shift, I've been able to enjoy my conversations with people more and focus on being present, especially when meeting new people. And by being simply me, I've had a couple individuals sign up for a couple of my services since. I am more at ease, willing to just let things grow and develop as they will.”
Melissa Valdellon, Energy Healer 


Thank You for Your Powerful Insights! 

Your coaching helped me get clear about how a few simple shifts can make great changes. It allowed me to make time for myself so I can grow my business forward. I just got back from a women's networking conference, made some great contacts, feel excited and motivated to keep going. Thank you for being in my circle!  Chana Frazin, doTerra Wellness Advocate


Making Positive Choices in All Aspects of My Life

"Devora Gila’s coaching is the connective tissue that aligns all I’ve ever learned and known with my ability now to incorporate positive behavioral choices in all aspects of my life."   Heftziba Chase, Homeopath


I Connected to the Divine and Developed Greater Self-Expression

"After my first session with Devora Gila, I discovered that I am an instrument through which G*d’s love flows. This has helped me enormously to express myself in the moment and...allow this Greatness to come through me. I am grateful for your guidance.  A.T., Mother

More Confidence, New Job, Improved Relationship

"When I lost my job for the third time in three months, I knew it was time to contact Devora Gila. I was struggling with believing in myself and my capabilities. This self-doubt affected my relationships. I didn’t really know how to speak to people, how to communicate effectively, particularly with my husband.

I was caught in negative energy, including a financial struggle, not having gratitude for things, not having a good marriage relationship.

As a result of coaching with Devora Gila, I developed more confidence and positive energy.  I’ve stopped putting myself down and can look at the possibilities. I landed a new job and have started to see improvements in my relationship with my husband.”

I love, love, love the affirmations and the active take-home exercises. I like that we do homework because I like to be actively involved in the process.  I like getting Devora Gila’s ongoing feedback and putting that into practice. I am looking forward to working again together in the future!"   J.M., Marketing Specialist


"Devora Gila knows how to help you make sense of your life story and bring it to the one point that matters and help you fix it."  F.N., Mother


I Can Finally Allow Myself to Be Happy and Get the Support I Need

"Before working with Devora Gila, I never thought I had a right to sing. I had wanted to, but was always afraid. I also felt stuck creatively. Devora Gila helped me to heal my voice and be open to what's possible for me.

Now I can see new opportunities and outlets for my creativity. I can finally allow myself to be happy and get the support I need so I can focus on my new direction. Thanks to Devora Gila, I can speak my truth and express my true self."  N.S., Performance Artist


I Realized my Vision and Purpose

I can’t thank you enough for the great session today.  I never realized my vision and purpose until we talked.  I am excited to have a huge vision.  It really helps me get motivated and courageous to go out into the world and spread peace and joy.  K.D., Coach and Speaker


My Body is Naturally Realigning Itself 
and My
 Children are More Cheerful

"Before working with Devora Gila, I felt intimidated about managing my coaching business. And as a mother, I felt inadequate and guilty for being too tired around my children, who were often moody.

After working with Devora Gila, I'm now able to tackle those previously daunting work-related tasks feeling 
free, centered, aligned and supported – more than ever before in my life! As a result, my body is realigning itself from using new muscles. Even my children have become less moody and more cheerful.

Devora Gila's masterful work is success coaching, relationship coaching, and healing all at once!
Thank you so much, Devora Gila, for motivating me to become more of myself than ever before!"   L.B., Wellness Coach

After 20 Years of Marriage, We Finally Feel United

"Before I started working with Devora Gila, my husband and I had poor communication.  I wasn't able to articulate my feelings in a way that he could hear. Now, after two decades of marriage, my husband and I finally feel united. We are finding solutions instead of just arguing and complaining.  I feel so much more secure in my marriage relationship. Thank you, Devora Gila!"   E. R. Wellness Practitioner

I'm a Better Parent Now

“Before working with Devora Gila I would let my child call the shots in the home
and it was highly disruptive of my parental role. I was afraid to stand in that role
and would fold in the face of pressure and it was so stressful. She was constantly
testing my parenthood and challenging me to rise to the occasion to be that parent for her.

Devora Gila supported me immensely on an emotional and practical level
when I was dealing with this challenge. She helped me understand what my choices were
and see clearly what I needed to do in order to take my central parental role in the relationship
and not back down in the face of my child’s tantrums. Devora Gila helped me create an energetic boundary
so that I could recreate the relationship instead of falling back into my unhealthy pattern.
She helped me find my ability to stand firm and be the strong parent that I needed to be for my child.

Right after Devora Gila helped me find my center, my next encounters with my child
were a blessing. She understood the boundaries I had set for her and was loving and highly respectful.
She was calm and was a pleasure to be around. She was also accommodating and helpful to everybody.

Now instead of being intimidated, I have the tools I need to maintain my role as a parent.
Devora Gila gave me the gift of her powerful presence. She supported me to take a stand
to be what I needed to become. She was there for me each step of the way, giving space
while helping me become the parent that I have ultimately chosen to be.

Working with Devora Gila is better than any counselor I have ever spoken to.
She is so real and not afraid to be vulnerable and have her own challenges 
in her own life. This is what makes her able to help the women in our generation.
She has that unique ability to be present for others in a loving and accepting way
and bring out the best in others because she does it for herself."  T.R., Life Coach

I Finally Can Accept Who I Truly Am

"Devora Gila! Learning with you has influenced me to accept the truth of who I truly am and make a HUGE, terrifying life-changing decision. You are a courageous warrior of your own inner landscape, with an inexhaustible and unapologetic drive to grow and resource yourself. The tools you offer are extremely powerful for anyone looking to move and grow in new ways and your presence and enthusiasm are, in and of themselves, healing and break down inner walls. Thanks for being so YOU."  M.D., Healer

We Have More Peace in our Home

“Before working with Devora Gila, I was ready to make changes in my life and relationships. I knew where I wanted to go, but I didn’t know how to get there.  I spent a lot of time worrying about the future. I felt helpless, like I was drowning in my emotions. I didn’t know how I was going to make it...

Thanks to the tools Devora Gila has given me, I was able to change my life rapidly on a deep level – in both my attitude inside me and in my reaction to people around me. 

Now I give and receive much more freely and openly with a full heart, I’m more open to spontaneity with my husband and children, and I feel calmer and more centered. I am no longer afraid of being judged by others. One incredible improvement in my life is a feeling of more warmth in the house and less stress. The kids feel more appreciated and are more helpful.  My husband and I now take walks together almost every day. Above all, I am able to quickly shift from negative feelings and associations into positive ones. These changes feel like such a natural part of me.

I feel grateful that I invested my time working with Devora Gila and persisted through it. And I am thankful to Hashem for making it all a natural and smooth progression.  I really appreciate Devora Gila’s warmth, acceptance and encouragement, and for giving me the support to keep going. And for helping me see that making deep changes can be possible.”  T.R., Mother of 5


My Husband is Growing Along with Me

"My personal growth work with Devora Gila was a catalyst for my husband to do the same.
I saw a sudden openness in him that I've been waiting for, for such a long time.
He recently shared a realization about understanding himself better: he understood why
he felt disconnected from the children and now he knows he can fix it."   S. A., Homeopath

Coming Back to Myself

"Before getting coaching from Devora Gila, I was stuck in a downward energy spiral.
I kept asking myself: What am doing here? Where am I? I have always had an intuitive voice,
but Devora Gila helped me bring it out and have the confidence to share it with others. 

Family dynamics have since shifted for the better. My husband has opened up
more towards me and trusts my inner voice. He even started to encourage me
to use my intuition when making joint decisions.

This work has helped me come back to myself and open up to the community
and offer my leadership to the neighborhood and school. I've become more clear
about what I want for the future and what my purpose is. I am feeling a lot of gratitude
for my husband and for G-d's plan. Thank you, Devora Gila!"   R.W., Dating Coach

I Feel More Respected and Supported by My Family

"I knew I was ready to work with Devora Gila when I was run-down from catering to my children, carrying a full load of the housework, treating clients, and doing everything for everyone. I was so physically run down, I didn't think I'd have the energy to help myself, and doubted that I could find the time. After our first two sessions, I gained deep insight into why I ended up in that situation. Not only that, but I also understood profoundly many aspects of my life Devora Gila stood by me with love and compassion as I made this discovery.

Now I have taken time off from working with clients to take care of myself—something I never even imagined. For the first time ever, I have implemented changes in my house and have delegated the chores among family members. I feel more respected and supported from my husband and children now than ever before. I am excited about continuing my work with Devora Gila and I can't wait to discover what else will be possible for me and my family."  
C. B., Naturopath

My Daughter and I Improved our Relationship

"My teenage daughter and I were caught in cycle of negative emotions for a while. She kept blaming me and I kept feeling disrespected.  After a quick check-in with Devora Gila in between sessions,  I felt so empowered and was able to help  my daughter. We were able to understand each other in a wonderful meeting of hearts and minds. Thank you, Devora Gila!"   P.H., Energy Healer/Spiritual Coach


I Made Significant Changes

"With Devora Gila’s coaching and healing, I have experienced significant changes in my life and business this past year. I’ve gained understanding on how to move forward. I have a roadmap how to bring it all back into line.

I’m grateful to be doing what I love in the Land of Israel. I’ve doubled my income this past year.

After working with Devora Gila on compassion for myself and others, I was able to get my son diagnosed and find a school where he is now happy and succeeding.  My husband and I have improved our communication as well.

Finally, I have gained a lot of insight into who I am. I know myself a lot better, and I am learning to accept myself more. In the coming year, my goal is to integrate my health, family, life and business to feel more balanced. I want to continue being connected to who I am and nourish that. I’m looking forward to continuing our work together."  Yael Enkin, Artist

I See New Possibilities for Myself

“I came to Devora Gila to discover inner goals and talents and to move towards achieving them and making them real. The internal transformation and healing has been profound and I feel reborn after deconstructing false stories in my history. Devora Gila is like a lightbearer on my life journey, revealing the hidden paths that were there for me to take all along.”   R.T., Doula


I've Discovered My G-dliness

"Thank you so much Devora-Gila!  Our work together is truly amazing, and I am blessed to know you and to receive your help and guidance.  You are a beautiful shining light for me, an angel, as I make my way closer and closer to G-dliness.  I am in awe."   A.T., Mother

More Inner Strength to Stand Up for Myself

"Talking to Devora Gila brings out the best in me, my “inner-self leader” and my inner trust in the Divine. My whole attitude has changed because of our work. Through the spirit behind her words she made it clear that I had what it takes to stand up for myself, because I wasn’t one-hundred percent sure that I did. She believed in me to help me summon my own inner strength.  As a result, this was the first time in nine years that I finally had the guts to approach the neighbors and confront them about their leaking windows and how it affects my home. I calmly explained the problem, why it makes sense for them to pay to have it fixed, and offered to give them the name of someone who could fix them. This was possible only because my work with Devora Gila gave me the inner strength to not give in.P.H., Energy Healer/Spiritual Coach

I Made Important Shifts

"When I’m working with Devora Gila, I can be perfectly honest about where I am in my challenges. I had a particular blind spot to my perspective that I hadn’t paid attention to before. She listened as I explored that blind spot, and she shared her observation clearly with me without imposing it on me. That bolstered my own inner observer and allowed me to make the shift I needed." P.H., Energy Healer/Spiritual Coach

Feeling Successful as a New Life Coach

"Devora Gila created the space for me to feel the courage to move forward in my coaching business from my own intuition. I had my first sample session today and it was fantastic—could not have asked for a better session. The process was seamless and we were both very happy with the results. Best of all, my client made a note to recommend me to two of her friends!"  M.K., Life Coach

I Used to Put Others First

"Before working with Devora Gila, I felt unhappy and insecure. I had always put others first before taking care of myself. Then after moving away from my family, I finally decided to do everything possible to help myself. That's when I asked Devora Gila to work with me. I've learned to become more confident. I've even healed my relationship with my father – I've had the courage to let him know what I need and he's been responsive. Now, instead of criticizing me, he encourages me to take more care of myself!"  S., Artist

Deep Understanding

“Devora is super-thoughtful and sincere, and has a wonderful way of understanding the deep meaning of how people feel.  K.Y., Life Coach

Sacred Sessions

“I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but I rushed to get myself ready to meet with you. These sessions are sacred. You are saving my life!” J.M., Marketing Specialist

Staying Calm 

"I recently discovered that a former employer withheld about $130,000 in pension funds from me. While I was shocked, I was able to approach the issue calmly because of the work we had done together. In fact, whenever I make a decision, it's as if you're in the back of my mind guiding me in the process." Anonymous

A Great Sounding Board

"Your listening skills and suggestions are always relevant and on topic. I really appreciate that you are a great sounding board as well as a coach and that my sessions are really "self-directed" to a point. I really appreciate it." Anonymous

Less Anxiety

"Before working with Devora, I did not feel empowered. I felt stressed about my lack of Hebrew skills and the fact that I didn't understand Israeli culture. It was impacting me so much that I did not want to interact with people who didn't speak English well, and was afraid to take part in cultural and social events.  It got to the point when I was very sick and needed a doctor, but I couldn’t find a translator to come with me. I wished I could go alone and express myself without being afraid of not being able to communicate. I knew I needed help. Working with Devora gave me the confidence so that now I am able to be more relaxed in an uncomfortable situation. I am able to go beyond my comfort zone when I need to without the anxiety I used to feel." Anonymous

Breakthrough After Only Two Sessions

"Before working with Devora Gila, I spent years doing everything for everyone. Doing everything myself took its toll until I experienced frequent spasms and seizures that had me on strong medication. Every time I tried to get off the medication for the past four months, I was afraid and couldn't do it.

I had an amazing breakthrough after only two sessions. I realized the non-productiveness of taking control and understood where it came from. I realized that I had set this pattern of helplessness up and enabling everyone to see me in this role, because that's where I needed them to see me. That was where I found my self worth.

Now I realize that I don't need to run myself down and that I can delegate. With Devora Gila's support, I feel strongly committed to changing this pattern of taking on too much, and now I am completely off medication and healing myself naturally because I understand the emotional cause for the spasms.

For the first time, I am able to separate my emotions from the situation and see it clearly. I am able to see that in my relationships I was always afraid of failing, so I took on more and more. I confronted my husband with this problem successfully for the first time in years, and got his cooperation to start sharing in the responsibilities. 

Also before working together, I was afraid to try anything different, but now I am also willing to try new things. After feeling that I never had time for myself, I have the confidence now to take a one-month leave of absence from work in order to focus on healing myself. Thank you, Devora Gila!"  Heftziba Chase, Homeopath


This is amazing work!

"Before working with Devora, I had moved to a different part of the country in a new marriage in which I adopted four children. I was stuck in a downward energy spiral, thinking, “What am doing here? Where am I?” Because of the work we did together, my intuitive voice has opened up, getting messages and answers from G-d. And now I can share my intuitive voice to help others move along. I have felt more free to be involved in the community, have people over, reach out for help. I also see more positive movement in the family dynamics. My husband is more open to my intuitive voice as well. I am grateful to you, my daughter, and husband, and most of all, G-d’s plan. This is amazing work!" Anonymous

Devora Gila is an Emotional Doula

"Many women don't avail themselves to help and they feel they can do it on their own. Why do we take so long to take the help we need? When we are having a baby, we prepare ourselves for the journey. Many women tune into their inner wisdom and have a doula and doctor to guide the birth. Devora Gila is an emotional doula for woman to give birth to herself. I want women to understand what they are being offered in this opportunity to work with Devora Gila. To strengthen and support themselves so they can birth themselves so they can be whole for themselves, for their family and for their future." H.C., Homeopath


I Am Not Afraid Anymore

"I went horse back riding for the first time in years. I thought I would never get on a horse again. I was so worried about what if I fall, or it hurts my back? What if the horse begins to run? I didn't realize how much this anxiety was draining my fuel tank of hope. It took away so much of my energy. Now that I have gotten back on the horse, I have extra energy because I am not afraid anymore! I can do this!" Anonymous


Better than a Parenting Coach

"Since my session a success story has been unfolding with a child who is physiologically and emotionally challenged. Devora Gila's deep listening helped me find my own strength so I can manage to enhance our relationship. I am no longer taking my child's rawness personally so I've been able to get through to her more by sending her love. It's become very beautiful and we have been bonding deeply ever since my session. Because of the subtle shifts I'm making, now my daughter is able to hear the love that is being extended to her and really take it in. Rather than parenting coaches who tell you what to do, Devora Gila helped and supported me in finding my own way that works the best in terms of parenting this unique child." Anonymous 

Inner Balance

"Within a short time, Devora Gila was able to assist me in finding an inner balance. She helped me gain awareness of myself and get to a higher level. This has been an amazing experience for me.”  K.P.

Enhancing Love of Life

“Devora Gila has real insight into people's strong and weak points and is very capable of building strengths, focusing and developing talents and generally enhancing love of life. She is Torah-wise, caring and professionally capable.”  Rav Daniel Kohn, Yishuv Bat Ayin, Israel

I See My Success

Before working with Devora, I was so emotional and stressed. Since working with her. I‘ve seen such positive changes. I've learned the power of thinking positively and using expansive language and putting these powerful tools into practice. I feel that in such a short time I have already grown so much. I am much calmer, have more clarity, and a lot of the issues I was struggling with have either been resolved or are on the way to being solved. I am so grateful to see my own success. I know Devora isn't a therapist, but that's what I feel that she is for me."  Anonymous 


I Overcame Emotional Challenges

"I sought Devora's help because I wanted to stop carrying the weight of negative emotions around with me.  The emotions drained me of energy to do more positive things and I wanted to feel more positive emotions towards myself, my family and my community. Devora gave me a structure and hope.  I wasn’t sure the program would work for me but I had a lot of trust in Devora and a lot of willingness on my part to try. In the end, I made deep changes on how I view myself and I don’t carry as much anger around. I feel that I am now free of many deeply ingrained mistaken beliefs. I am looking forward to continued calmness in the face of emotional challenges. I am also more able to understand and forgive myself and others more in times of emotional stress and to react with my boundaries from a position of love and not defensiveness. Thank you, Devora!" Anonymous 


Opening a Path

"When I came to Devora Gila my life was too cluttered with no space for anything else. Mentally and spiritually I felt so overwhelmed. Up until now, I've been the one to always do everything. Now I feel really motivated to get rid of what doesn't serve me and open a path for what's good for me now. I'm excited about being proactive to help myself first and do what I really want." Yael


Woman of Valor

"Devora Gila is a true woman of valor. She works hard for the sake of HaShem and teaches effective and profound techniques for growth. She is careful to confirm that her work is aligned with the teachings of our holy Torah and attendees and students can feel confident that she sifts through what she teaches to confirm its appropriateness to our teachings. She leads a life of halachic observance and is deeply invested in her family. I can confidently recommend working with her towards greater growth and expression as a path in your development as a human being and as a dedicated Jew.” Rav Daniel Kohn, Yishuv Bat Ayin

Completely New Concept

"I have done a lot of self-work on this before, but the new insight I got today about the 'multiple me's' being strong by banding together is a completely new concept and I find it very empowering. I also liked the aspect of connecting my past selves at different ages, my current self, my future selves, and my Spiritual Self. Then outside of that circle seeing the broader systemic family energy, the past (my ancestors and also possibly my soul's past lives), and the future generations. Thank you also for adding the Divine energy doing the healing, and that it can transcend time and space."

Big Heart

"Thank you SO much for your big heart and your awesome questions, Devora! We appreciate you so much!"  Group Coaching Member

Thank You For Holding The Vision With Patience

"You have been an awesome coach I am so grateful for everything you have offered to us -- It’s not just your skill but your heart. Maybe your Divine dimension is why we were all put together. It’s been extremely helpful and I appreciate your patience with all my ups and downs this year. You were always there holding space for what I was going through mentally and emotionally and always gently encouraging me to do something for my business. You had that beautiful balance of caring and continuing to hold that vision for me that I couldn’t hold for myself."  T.W.


"I would like to recommend my colleague Devora Gila Berkowitz to you as a extremely gifted Personal Transformation Coach and Healer, a woman of great stature, upright and noble and her concern for others and future generations. Devora is a unique guide that can cut through the darkest jungle and pioneer new paths of insight and development for your future or those of your loved ones, anyone one lost in indecision would be honored to have Devora as your mentor to guide you through the complex world we live in today. Devora is a blessing to all who know her."  Dr. Ariel Schultz, OMD.


I let My Intuitive Self Guide Me

“I came to the session with Devora wondering how to balance all the things that I “could” do with all the things that are actually aligned with my values and purpose. I found myself saying “yes” to too much which I want to avoid. I wanted to know how to better use my intuitive self to guide me so that I could make good choices for my business. Through Devora’s gentle guidance and great reframing, I realized that I can bring wisdom and child-like curiosity to my choices. I can approach my opportunities with that duality and let myself explore before committing either way.”  Clarissa Hughes, Mindfulness Coach 

More Impact to Help Others

“The major challenges that I brought with me to the session was wondering which direction to take my business in. This was stopping me and keeping me hesitant in moving forward powerfully and with clear intention. Devora created a comfortable space for me where I felt a nice flow and could explore and connect with myself in a new way. I realized in our session that I am not alone, and that I can have a great impact and do more to help others than what I am already doing now.”  Jenny Sassoon, Leadership Training, Founder of UnleashingU!

I Connected to My Inner Wisdom

“I came to Devora wanting to create a group program and feeling overwhelmed with all the possibilities. I was in a state of overwhelm and paralysis, being in my head a lot and stuck there. Through the guided meditation, I was connected to my higher and wiser self, which was a great reminder for how powerful I am when connected to this inner wisdom, how effortless things become when in that state. I tend to underestimate that a quiet and spacious environment is paramount for me, and this was a wonderful reminder. So I have strengthened my awareness of how it is for me to have a regular spiritual practice to connect with my higher self. It reinforced what I know about needing a spaciousness in my life.” Maria Arredondo, Business and Life Reinvention Guidance

A New Level of Transformation and Integration

“Before my session with Devora, I had a sense of being under pressure with a lot of different projects that I am managing at the same time. I felt overwhelmed because I didn’t want to create a bigger structure but rather design my business model in a way that I can manage it well and don't have to manage other people. Also, I had recently done the inner work needed to begin offering packages to clients that require a longer commitment focused on a certain transformation. 

I knew I needed to listen internally to find the best ways to manage all of this. I loved the way Devora guided me with gentleness and precision, and how she knew so well the dynamics at play, understanding my state of overwhelm, to help me gain further clarity.

In the session I experienced a healthy integration of the transformative work I had been doing. I now feel that I am moving along in the transformation I have been very focused on, and I can feel I am gradually entering a new place. I appreciate Devora’s presence and ability to listen, recognize and validate what I was bringing to the session. She guided the process in a transformative way so I could come out feeling better, embodying a new level of integration. Thank you, Devora!”  Ruth Altschuler,  Flower Essence Practitioner and Educator

Ease, Grace, Trust and Clarity 

"I came to Devora because of an old pattern triggered around fear of success. I’d been having some occasional anxiety as my business continues to gain a beautiful momentum and I was concerned that an ego part of myself may try to sabotage my unfolding. During the session, I realized that my feelings of nervous excitement are no longer necessary as we shined the light on and thereby cut the cord around this old behavior with love.

Devora created an immediate feeling of safety and sacredness and listened deeply, It was helpful to hear her recap what I was expressing often and accurately. She left plenty of space for my realizations to come forth on their own. She was loving, gracious, compassionate, clear and humble all the way through the experience. Devora's intuitive gifts and well-honed skills make the return to my essence a most memorable journey

Now I know that I can continue to manifest my soul's desire to serve God with ease, grace, trust and clarity knowing that this old pattern no longer serves me. It has played its part, been identified, acknowledged and thanked by me and has transformed into food for my higher consciousnesses.

If the greater part of you is feeling ready at last to move past old fears, look deeply into a mirror and experience your own Divineness, look no further. Devora is a trusted way-shower." 
Pamela Jay, Voice Empowerment Expert


No More Stress and Overwhelm!

“I came to my session with Devora feeling stress and overwhelm about an upcoming workshop, with a sense of tightness in my body. This was causing me to go into overwork and not allow enough self-care in. I felt pulled from a place of flow and trust and into an area of doubt, constriction and anxiety.

Devora asked some very important thought-provoking questions that allowed my conscious self to see what was in the way so that clarity could come across. During the session I realized that I was doing things to block my own joy and that dance is a sacred part of expression. I experienced a huge shift in the meditation, where I felt a huge sense of validation that made me realize that I had 'made it' on some level. I felt a massive sense of gratitude, love and encouragement to express my celebrations through movement.

As a result of working with Devora, I believe that I'm in the right space at the right time and taking action when it's necessitated rather than forcing it can be a way to work in trust with the Divine. Devora held such beautiful space to allow vulnerability, realization and healing to appear. I even cried and I normally don't do that in sessions!”
Anne Marie-Pizarro, Founder, Body-Energy Connection and Akashic Record Session


A Creative Breakthrough for My Self-Care

"After creating different courses, I came to Devora’s group session feeling frustrated about setting up the foundational pieces for my business. I also had feelings of resistance before getting started, and then once I got into my work, I would get carried away and keep going until I got really tired. I came to the session wanting to know how to feel more lightness, flow and momentum moving these heavy foundational pieces. In the session, Devora helped me realize that the problem was that I have been ignoring my self-care. Devora created the space for me to have a huge breakthrough. In the session, I discovered that I could balance my work with self-care by creating a three-day personal business retreat experience so I could finish my work with joy and ease. It was so empowering. I am looking forward to this!"  
Sandy Freschi, Human Design Specialist

Better Boundaries

"I love how you and the Divine are helping me grow my boundaries to become the best mom I can be. It’s good for me and it’s good for my daughter."


A real game changer

"Devora,This is beautiful and what I needed to hear this week. I wrote this in my journal/daily planner.
 I wrote what you sent me in the last email into my daily planner and I read it every day and it becomes part of the fabric of my daily life. A real game changer for me!" - Shalhevet

Heard and understood

"I remember clearly how I felt in our initial conversation when I shared and you jumped right to the heart of what I was saying. It felt wonderful to be heard and understood.!" - Linda


Fear of selling 

"Before my session with Devora I had a great fear of selling. I would freeze up just at the thought of talking about my services. This problem was impacting my business because I was holding myself back and not moving quickly and smoothly into a new audience.

In my session I realized that the underlying fear was about rejection, fear of people withdrawing from me, and being all alone. That I can transform a 'selling situation' into exploration and discovery of how the potential client and I would both benefit from working together. 

My fear turned from a black hard ice-cold ball in my stomach into lightness and bubbles. Now I am inspired to actively reach out to potential clients, whereas before I waited for them to reach out to me.

I am grateful to Devora and her ability. I have worked with this topic for years and have never managed to transform it in any way to this feeling of lightness and possibilities before. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Vicky Miethe, Leadership Coach


I'm Living More Aligned in My Purpose and Calling

"During the global quarantine, it became clear to me that I was to incorporate spiritual coaching, and “more of me into the whole of me” into my practice, but I was fighting it because I had kept that mostly separate for the 20 years that I've been consulting/coaching. I was also trying to process the racial division in America, and discern how I could be in service to the professional BIPOC community. Additionally, I was aware of the increase in domestic violence cases, the increased number of people experiencing mental health disorders, and the increase in overall losses -and trials- that were taking a toll on people's quality of life. I found that I was quite empathetic regarding how people were “really” doing.   

This inner conflict was impacting my business because while I “should have been” rallying to expand my online wardrobe/styling/personal branding business, I was feeling my heart tug toward the deeper needs of humanity.

I knew I was supposed to be contributing far more than what I was, but was divided about really taking the plunge.

In a lightbulb moment what I realized toward the beginning of the pandemic was this, "The world finally created a space for me . All my life experiences had prepared me for such a time as this.” Overcoming poverty, racism, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, domestic violence, depression/anxiety, despair, and unworthiness are things I had healed through. These topics are often seen as "taboo", thus, aren't talked about, but now the world needed to care about these things, because so many people were struggling behind closed doors as a result of the covid/quarantine experience. I could be a valuable resource for people searching for healing and inner peace in their own lives, but I needed to choose to step into the space that was (finally) created for me.

Devora held a generous and kind space for me, was flexible, and able to pivot our coaching agenda so I could be heard, seen, and supported at the deepest levels. In our final eye-opening and confirming session, just after the January 6th Capitol riot, she held a mirror for me that punctuated what I knew in my gut -but she said it out loud. My heart was telling me that my work needed to expand to stand in the gap and bring my voice to the forefront, specifically for BIPOC professionals. Paraphrasing, she said, "Your life and your personal/professional experiences have equipped you to support BIPOC professionals. You are absolutely the person to help build up their authentic confidence, identity, and leadership skills through personal branding. You were born for this unique time in our history.

As a result of Devora’s coaching, I have incorporated spiritual coaching for clients who want more inner peace and freedom through their faith. Additionally, I’m now accessing my voice, experience, and talents to specifically support hungry BIPOC professionals in growing deeper roots of authentic confidence and identity by discovering their strengths and developing their personal brand with clarity and purpose so they can individually excel while also helping to achieve their companies’ organizational goals.    

When I recall this experience, I feel supported, liberated, and humbled. Since integrating more of me into the whole of me, my body of work has been more powerful for life coaching, wardrobe styling, and personal branding clients -even speaking engagements are more dynamic and meaningful! It just feels more aligned because I'm living more wholly in my purpose and calling!  Thank you Devora. I’ll never forget your impact, Coach! Kim Peterson/ The Personal Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE YOU”


Easy Tool to Use

"I’m using our meditation more and more often.  It has really helped me to get out of 
negative mindsets and the ego-mindset….. now I have an easy tool to access anytime." - Shalhevet

Beautiful Music
"Your beautiful music has a transformative effect in me." - Rella
Meditation Audios
Thank you so much for the Chakra Balancing meditation! I feel much more in sync and coherent already. - K.
"I just woke up and I had an urge to check my emails. I see that Devora is sending a chakra balancing healing! It was so lovely to hear your voice: lovely, peaceful and helpful.... Now I'm getting out of my bed after sleeping in late, and I'm starting my day balanced -- and feeling love!"  - Aviva Spiegel, Women's Creative Empowerment Leader


No More Fear and Sadness

Many thanks for the live call on healing. I found the session incredibly healing...I no longer am feeling the intensity of fear and sadness. You are amazing! - Miriam

 Lost Objects Found

"I lost my glasses and can't function without them. Within minutes of Devora's energy activation for finding lost objects, my glasses resurfaced!" Anonymous

Complex Situation Resolved Quickly

"Recently, I referred a colleague to Devora Gila Berkowitz for her VIP services. This colleague was a highly experienced healer caught in the middle of a very complex situation and felt completely trapped by it. It affected her not only emotionally but also financially and she didn’t know what to do. Devora Gila created a special program for my colleague and put her heart and soul into her case. As a result, the issue that seemed impossible was resolved about two months later in what seemed like a natural way, but I know it was a complete miracle. I am so grateful to Devora Gila for her gifts." - LFB


Ready to create more peace, joy, freedom and alignment? Click here to schedule a no-obligation, 40-minute Discovery Session where we can clarify your vision for more alignment, joy and freedom... and design your next steps.