BLOG POST: Quieting the Not Enough Judge
Meet Laura, an overachieving entrepreneur who had a habit of judging herself against very high (read: unrealistic) standards.
With her plate full of competing priorities, she felt pulled in different directions wanting to do a lot of things at the same time.
Like everyone else, she's human.
She would fall short of her goals.
Problem is, she'd get moody, withdraw from her husband and snap at her kids.
Her self-judgment (a.k.a "Not Enough Judge") took A LOT of energy. She felt drained. Disconnected from herself. She lost her smile and her creative spirit. And her family felt it.
Laura knew this wasn't working. It was an old pattern since childhood and painful to bump up against over and over. And if it continued, she would keep feeling miserable and never feel fulfilled.
What she really wanted was inner peace, satisfaction with herself and connection with her loved ones.
Good news: Through our work together, Laura realized that life isn't about doing, but about being.
It's about making yourself into a vessel through which love and joy can come through you and into your family.
Laura learned that she doesn’t have to keep pushing herself: "I just have to do my part and let God take care of the rest."
Through high-level healing from her Divine Source, and other gems from my professional treasure chest, along with unconditional love from her part, the decades of "not enough" loosened its grip on her.
As a result, she felt more calm and connected, and created a happier family environment -- to her surprise and delight.
Remember this: Dropping the "Not Enough Judge" is all about doing your best and leaving it up to the Divine. -- letting go and letting God.
When you do this, you will find calm, connection, joy, and fulfillment in every area of your life, like Laura did.
If you want similar results to what Laura had, you'll need to prioritize this in your life. If not now, when?